For sales managers and leaders who want to:
Avoid the pitfalls of conventional sales wisdom
Strengthen your sales leadership
Empower your team to generate more success
Stop > Start Series Introduction
We are excited to bring you the Stop > Start Series. Read the full series introduction here.
WRP's CEO Scott Roy provides a brief overview of our newest series, inviting sales managers of all levels of experience along for a transformative journey.
Scott introduces RACE, the diagnostic tool we use with our clients to identify strengths and where they need to work with their teams. He focuses on Attitude, and explains why you cannot - and should not - motivate your team.
It’s time to STOP motivating your people.
STOP Being Positive.
This week, we tackle another aspect of Attitude: why sales managers should stop being positive. When salespeople are empowered to recognize when their attitude is either above the line or below the line, they can regulate their mindset and achieve greater sales success.
New and experienced sales managers often believe that hiring a sales superstar with years of experience is the solution to all their target challenges. We caution, however, to beware.
STOP Hiring Experienced People.
STOP Managing Your Team.
This week, we talk about how sales managers should - and more importantly, should NOT - manage their teams. Listen to Scott's quick overview and click the link to read more.
In this video, CEO Scott Roy makes the case for eliminating time consuming meetings to improve your team's productivity and success.
STOP Meeting With Your People
STOP Wasting Time Forecasting
Wasting time on unrealistic forecasts and defending them is counterproductive. Even with the best of intentions, initially set sales targets and forecasts can be missed, making you spend even more time adjusting forecasts, preventing you from helping your team perform at sales. Our solution saves you time and headache.
In this video, CEO Scott Roy makes the case for espousing the "bottom up" target setting approach used by former GE CEO Jack Welch for 20 years. By aligning your company's revenue goals with your team's individually set targets, you will achieve a far more effective way to motivate your team and reach the outstanding performance that inspires confidence from upper management.
STOP Setting Targets for Your People
STOP Letting Your People Whine
As anyone who's ever done it knows, sales is one of the toughest jobs out there. It's easy to fall into a downward spiral of whining and complaining when things don't go your way. That's why it's critical that sales managers work with their team to bounce back quickly from disappointments, guiding them to success faster.
It sounds like common sense, but it's a situation all sales managers can find themselves in from time to time. It's critical to Stop Being Negative, and this week, we share the best ways how you can manage your attitude and mindset.
STOP Being Negative
STOP Letting Your People Pitch
CEO Scott Roy talks about the dangers of equating selling with pitching, and how to ensure your salespeople are creating the right relationships with clients to gain their trust, ultimately leading to bigger deals and faster closes.
Does your sales team keep missing their closing dates? Tune in this week to hear and read about the underlying causes - and what you can do about it.
STOP Believing the Close Date
Stop Updating the CRM
How to most effectively leverage the CRM is one of the hottest topics with our clients; and it can be a hot button topic as well. Listen to CEO Scott Roy preview this week's content, and click the link to the left for the full topic.
The end of the quarter typically signals a pause on all strategic planning and a rush to hit the numbers, whatever the cost. Listen to why you need to STOP this madness and how to transform your team and process for the better.
STOP Chasing Numbers at the End of the Quarter
Stop Reading Email
Technology has transformed our lives in many ways, but it can also be a distraction and take you off your game. This week, CEO Scott Roy talks about the importance of gaining back control of your day by NOT reading email.
We see many sales managers - even those with years of experience - making fundamental mistakes by managing everyone the same. This is blind to the fact that each member of their team has their own unique way of working, developing their skills, and motivating themselves to succeed. Learn how to avoid this.
STOP Behaving Like a Manager
Stop Being “Understanding”
Most managers want to balance being understanding and supportive with still getting the results the company needs. How do you find that fine line to transform your team? Listen to CEO Scott Roy's thoughts in this week's Stop Start series.
This week's topic is one we all need to hear, as it is something we can all be guilty of doing. Sometimes you just need to STOP talking. Hear CEO Scott Roy's perspective on why this is so important for sales managers and oftentimes the most effective way to get the best performance from your team.
STOP Talking
Stop Listening to Your People
Sales managers can fall into the vicious cycle of hearing the same stories over and over from their team. Sometimes, you have to STOP listening to your team to redirect them to commit to activities that will finally get positive results.
Sales is a field that has pretty high expectations for its team members. But sometimes you have to know when to stop going the extra mile. This week's topic has steps you can take with your team to regain your work life balance, and your sanity, today.
STOP Going the Extra Mile
Stop Believing the Pay Plan Will Make Your People Happy
Most organizations stress about creating the right pay plan for their sales team - one that balances organizational needs with enough motivation of the team. But pay plans don't motivate sales people. Watch this week's video to learn what does.
Sacking people instead of developing them is a very expensive way to run a company. You develop your people so your people can develop your business. But how do you do it? As Master Yoda says, “there is no try, only do.”
STOP Trying to Develop Your People
Stop Spending Time With Your Poor Performers
Spending too much time with the poor performers on your team can sacrifice too many things - your time with the rest of your team, your energy and focus, and ultimately negatively affect your results.
We all know that you cannot force someone to change, but how can you as a sales manager help your people find the commitment they need to perform at their best? Listen to Scott's take and read the full content with actionable steps.
STOP Hoping People Will Change
Stop Laying Down the Law
As any seasoned manager knows, "laying down the law" will not motivate your team and yield the success you want. Managers are much more effective when upholding the standards without resorting to intimidation, posturing, and tough-ness. How do you find that middle ground? Find out here.
Sales managers know their team can benefit from good advice. But how do you know when to help and when to let them soar on their own? This week’s video tackles how to stop giving advice.
STOP Giving Advice
Stop Giving People a Second Chance
Sales managers often want the best for and from their teams, but knowing when to stop giving people additional chances is a critical part of supporting growth and success. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the full content PLUS special bonus material.
Asking WHY things went wrong can feel intimidating and accusatory, making your team defensive. We believe there are better questions to ask to get the right information to truly transform your team and your sales.
STOP Asking Why Things Went Wrong
Stop Wasting Money on Sales Training
In what sounds like counterintuitive advice, Scott explains why companies should STOP wasting money on sales training - and what to do instead.